John Good John Good

Father's Day 2020

Father's Day Present

Father’s Day 2020

Striving to maintain balance!

Is it possible to make everyone happy?

Not so far as I can tell.

This weekend was busy for a number of different reasons, most importantly because it was Father’s Day! Admittedly, I’m not a huge fan of celebrating holidays (real or imagined) and Jessica has not been able to bring me to the dark side… yet!

Father’s Day is different for me because the kids are excited, not Christmas excited, but we all can sense the enthusiasm for whatever reason.

In spite of it being Father’s Day weekend, the real estate market is so fluid at the moment, it was imperative I showed homes early on Saturday to some clients and submitted an offer on their behalf. Sadly, that offer didn’t pan out as we were outbid by a higher offer (nature of the market currently).

On Saturday evening and due to some poor scheduling by yours truly, it made sense for us to head over to the in-laws and hang out and have a sleepover. Which meant it was S’more time!!!

For Father’s Day, I had new first time home buyers that i needed to show homes to on Sunday morning, so I was gone and on the road while everyone was still asleep. My clients checked out 4 properties and we were able to get one under contract! #winning

I made my way back to my in-laws and as soon as I pulled in the driveway, all 4 kids ran up to me and gave me the biggest hugs and told me they loved me… It was totally worth it! As I mentioned in a previous post, it seems like my kids are always around and yesterday, the saying that “absence makes the heart grows fonder” was in full effect. Yes, i worked on Father’s Day and my kids didn’t get to see me until well into the afternoon. But their enthusiasm in finally getting to see me was the best gift I could’ve ever been given (and we put a house under contract).

Cheers to all the Dad’s out there, here’s hoping your day was special as well.

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John Good John Good

A Family Affair

Kids… My kids are everywhere, all the time, no matter where I go.

For the past few months, the shelter at home order here in Michigan coupled with school being cancelled and my career in real estate being relegated to the non-essential… I have been pushed to evolve into a full time stay-at-home Dad.

Cheers to all of you parents that have juggled working, parenting and just plain 'ol existing during these crazy times!

But... I'm back baby! Regardless of how you feel about the governor's stance in relation to Covid-19, Michigan is crushing it in terms of containing the virus and the real estate market is on fire.

Now that I'm back, I've been fortunate to have helped 2 first time home buyers, one we've closed and one is pending, just this week! You may hear my kids in the background when we’re discussing showings and different properties. They are used prominently in my marketing because they are everywhere, my partners in crime and I wouldn't be the person I am without them.

Call me any time to discuss your real estate needs, my assistants and I are always ready to help! 😁

Start them young! My best sales associates 2020!

Start them young! My best sales associates 2020!

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