Community News John Good Community News John Good

From Grief to Advocacy: Pam Weier's Journey of Hope and Healing

In the heart of Davison, Michigan, lies not just a bagel shop but a beacon of hope for those touched by the shadows of mental health struggles and loss. This week on The Community Collective Podcast, we dive deep into the story of Pam Weier, the resilient owner of Big Apple Bagel, and her journey from grief to advocacy following the tragic loss of her beloved daughter, Emma.

Turning Pain into Purpose

Pam's world turned upside down with the passing of Emma, a vibrant young soul lost too soon to suicide. In her memory, Pam took a significant leap, taking over Big Apple Bagel in Davison, transforming it into more than a place for coffee and bagels. It became a sanctuary for community support, open conversations about mental health, and a living tribute to Emma's dream.

Breaking the Silence

As Travis and I make our way through the episode, Pam poignantly covers how she uses her platform to shatter the silence surrounding mental health and suicide. With each cup of coffee served, Pam's mission goes beyond business—it's about igniting discussions, offering a shoulder to lean on, and showing that it's okay not to be okay.

Community Support: A Pillar of Strength

Pam shares how the Davison community's outpouring of support has been a cornerstone of her healing process. From personal messages of encouragement to the overwhelming participation in mental health awareness initiatives, it's clear: community solidarity can light the darkest of times.

A Beacon of Hope: Let's Talk About It

One of Pam's most notable initiatives, inspired by her journey and in collaboration with Davison Pharmacy, is the mental health awareness fundraiser and the creation of a nonprofit organization named "Let's Talk About It." Their goal is clear: to foster an environment where mental health is openly discussed, destigmatizing the struggle and encouraging those affected to seek help.

The Importance of Conversation

The episode emphasizes that talking about mental health can be life-saving. It highlights the critical resources available to those in need, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988), a reminder that help is just a call or text away.

Future Plans: A Legacy of Love

Pam's vision for Big Apple Bagel goes beyond business success; it's about building Emma's legacy. Future plans include hosting memorial services for those lost to suicide and establishing a scholarship fund for students overcoming mental health challenges, reinforcing the message that their fight does not go unnoticed.

Join the Conversation

I invite you to listen to this profound episode (releasing on Friday morning), share Emma's story, and join the movement toward a more understanding and supportive community. Together, we can turn grief into advocacy, silence into dialogue, and pain into purpose.

Resources for Support

Sunsets were Emma’s favorite and she speaks to us often!

If you or someone you know is struggling, remember, you are not alone. Here are some resources for immediate help:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text 988

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

The Trevor Project (for LGBTQ+ youth): Call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678

SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Pam's journey reminds us of the power of community, the importance of open dialogue, and the enduring strength of a mother's love. Let's carry forward Emma's memory by being a light to those in need, one conversation at a time.

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Kid Reviews John Good Kid Reviews John Good

A Summer Morning in Lapeer: Tennis, Family, and Max's Donuts

The Lapeer Summer Tennis Program

For the past few years, my children have been enrolled in the summer tennis program in Lapeer. The program is run by Coach Rodriguez, who has a unique coaching style that I highly recommend. His approach to teaching tennis is not only effective but also engaging, making every session enjoyable for the kids and as a parent, I like that my kids leave each session having learned a new skill.

An Unexpected Turn of Events

This morning, we prepared to head out for another day of tennis. Despite the weather forecast, we were optimistic and looking forward to working on our serves. However, upon arriving at the tennis courts, we discovered that the combination of rain and a high air quality index had led to the cancellation of the day's lessons.

A Visit to Grandma Gigi and Papa John

With the tennis lessons cancelled, we decided to visit Grandma Gigi and Papa John, who live in Lapeer. We thought we might wait and see if the boys' 10 o'clock lesson would still take place. However, as any unannounced house guest knows, it's always a good idea to bring a "gift" when visiting… even if it is your parents!

A Trip Down Memory Lane at Max's Donuts

That's when I had the idea to bring a half dozen donuts from my favorite childhood bakery, Max's Donuts. Located at 350 W Genesee St in Lapeer, Max's Donuts is a local favorite that has been serving the community for years. The bakery is open from 5:00 am to 2:00 pm every day, making it the perfect spot for a morning treat.

Upon arriving at Max's, I was pleased to see that it looked much like I remembered, with the exception of in-store dining no longer being available, likely a result of the Covid era. Despite this change, the bakery still had a warm and welcoming atmosphere… and smelled amazing!

The Donut Selection at Max's

Max's Donuts Lapeer MI

Bro… Yum!

While waiting in line, we watched as a gentleman in front of us ordered two dozen of Max's finest donuts. The variety of donuts available was impressive, and the kids were excited to choose their own.

I'll see you at Max's Donuts in Lapeer
  • London ~ chocolate-covered donut with fruity pebbles ~ “The fruity pebbles were sooooooooo yummy!” Rating: 4 out of 4 flip flops

  • Aria ~ chocolate-covered donut ~ shrugs shoulders - I love chocolate, this donut is perfect!” Rating: 4 out of 4 flip flops

  • Jayce ~ donut with purple sprinkles ~ “I really like it, I just wish it was bigger…” Rating: 3.5 out of 4 flip flops

  • Aiden ~ chocolate sprinkle donut ~ “Sprinkles make everything better! Rating: 4 out of 4 flip flops

Delicious Donuts from Max's Bakery in Lapeer

My favorite part of our quick visit was seeing 7 customers (no exaggeration!) lined up behind us getting their sugary fix as well. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a locally owned and operated business flourishing on a Thursday morning!

The Verdict

Max's Donuts did not disappoint. I was a bit taken aback at the price of $8.75 for a half dozen, but I am surprised at most prices these days (God that makes me sound old…LOL). The donuts were as delicious as I remembered, and the kids thoroughly enjoyed them. The staff at Max's were wonderful, and the service was prompt. The bakery has received numerous positive reviews online, with many customers praising the excellent donuts and friendly service.

Looking Ahead

I may have inadvertently created a new tradition – tennis followed by donuts. But, why not? It's summer, and a little indulgence never hurt anyone. I can't wait to see the kids' faces next week when they realize that tennis doesn't always equal donuts. But for now, I'm content knowing that we've created some sweet summer memories, thanks to Max's Donuts.

So, if you find yourself in Lapeer, why not stop by Max's Donuts for a sweet treat? And if you've already been, I'd love to hear about your favorite donuts in the comments below!

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