John Good John Good

Family Vacation - Where in the world am I?

We arrived! The journey wasn’t pretty, but we made It! I quickly realized that we most definitely should’ve given all 4 of the munchkins a double dose of Dramamine! After 2 “episodes”, a pit stop in West Branch, lunch in Mackinaw City we arrived in Grand Marais for a week of exploring what I lovingly refer to the wrong peninsula!

Lots of adventures to come this week as we explore Lake Superior, waterfalls, fresh water springs and eating entirely too much food (see pic below for photographic proof)!

Dinner was a success!

Dinner was a success!

We’re looking forward to exploring, so please comment with all the suggestions you can for things and places for us to go! Cheers to exploring the “wrong” peninsula!

See you tomorrow!

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John Good John Good

Feeling motivated this morning, so I did my Virtual 5k x 2!

A 10k at sunrise before starting a busy day of real estate…

Woke up a bit earlier than normal today, so I decided to head over to the Davison Township Hall and get my 5k in early. I started just before sunrise and it was amazing to see the sun come up along the Black Creek. Check out my timelapse video below as I hit some of Davison’s most popular spots!

I had to get an early start today so that my schedule was clear for showings today! In spite of the world feeling a bit crazy, buyers and sellers are still actively searching for and selling homes. See you tomorrow for day 8 of the virtual 5k!

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